The UK is committed to working with all countries and joining forces with civil society, companies and people on the frontline of climate change to inspire climate action ahead of COP26.

Time to change the world… one competition entry at a time

Coventry University’s Faculty of Business and Law are hosting “Lets go to the Cop” – a climate change competition to encourage collaboration, conversation and community amongst Coventry University staff and students.
A range of top prizes will be awarded to the best submissions: including a brand new iPad, hundreds of pounds of shopping vouchers and an Insight Day with a Sustainability Manager. Digital badges will be available to all participants.
Submission deadline: 12 noon Monday 22nd of November
Explore our three competition themes below to learn more about how you can get involved:

Theme 1: Climate Change & my Future Career

Future career prospects are increasingly likely to be impacted in one way or another by climate change. Whether it is international leaders and businesses creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs in the next 5-10 years or charitable groups seeking to promote more sustainable ways of working, many areas of work are adapting to our changing climate. What changes have been happening and what can we do to work greener?


Theme 2: Climate Change & Inequality

Climate change has increased global inequality. Populations, organisations and countries need to be accountable for their contributions to climate change and be part of the solution to help those who are typically experiencing the most significant consequences. What can we do to highlight the problems of unequal production and impact?


Theme 3: Climate Change & my Community

Coventry University staff and students belong to the same community: Coventry University,  Many of us also belong to many other communities too. We are connected through all sorts of identities and interests, big and small. How can individuals and groups in society be empowered with greater ownership and agency to ensure all communities thrive in a climate changing world?


THE UK GOVERNMENT IS CALLING ON everyone to take responsibility in order to get change

Mr Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, wants countries big and small to be accountable, specifically around four big topics: coal, cars, cash and trees.

“My message is clear… future generations will judge us based on what we achieve in the coming months. I will be pushing for corrective action on coal, climate funds, cars and trees so we can make a success of Cop26 and keep our climate change goals within reach.”

Mr Johnson as reported in “Time running out to make Cop26 climate summit a success, Boris Johnson tells world leaders on US trip” The Independent, 18th September 2021. 

Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com

Coal – Burning fossil fuels like coal creates power but has a big impact on the environment. The UK has cut its use of coal in recent years but other countries still rely on this method for their electricity and other services.

Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com

CarsTheir use has a huge impact on air pollution. Engine fumes create greenhouse gases which warm up the Earth’s atmosphere and cause long-term issues for eco-systems and sea temperatures.

<div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.freepik.com" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div>

Cash – Developed countries need to honour the $10B climate finance pledge. Investing into environmental projects, scientific studies about the climate and renewable energy will all help the planet.

<div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.freepik.com" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div>
Trees – Planting trees in a sustainable way and ‘ending the massacre on the forests’. Trees help to keep our atmosphere clean by  absorbing greenhouse gases and producing oxygen. They also mitigate flooding and soil erosion.

What are the COP26 goals?








“I am greatly honoured to be given the role of People’s Advocate. There could not be a more important moment that we should have international agreement. The epidemic has shown us how crucial it is to find agreement among nations if we are to solve such worldwide problems. But the problems that await us within the next 5 – 10 years are even greater. It is crucial that these meetings in Glasgow, COP26, have success, and that at last the nations will come together to solve the crippling problems that the world now faces.”

António Guterres, Secretary General of the UNited Nations

“Everyone must to do their job. Developed countries and emerging economies must contribute.”

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, WTO Leader

“I belive when you find problems, you should also find solutions.”

BaN Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General 2007-16

“We are the first generation to be able to end poverty, and the last generation that can take steps to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

Future generations will judge us harshly if we fail to uphold our moral and historical responsibilities”
